Language, Words & “Fake News” not new, been used for hundreds of years to justify censorship – Truthstream Media


Language, Words & “Fake News” not new, been used for hundreds of years to justify censorship.

Focused Mass Attention Sways Random – A Random Noise Antenna / Generator Princeton Noosphere Egg


Focused Mass Attention Sways Random

Probably why mourning is natural …and vital 2023 — ASTRAL TRAVEL, REMOTE VIEWING & OBE: Physics of INNER SUPERPOWERS with Dan Winter at Portal to Ascension


Physics of INNER SUPERPOWERS with Dan Winter

OERA LINDA book — Instructional Manual on How to Keep Freedom — Solari Report: The Codex Oera Linda Book with Jan Ott

in history, the winner tells a different tale than the truth   no one given or allowed power who has sold their own or taken another’s freedom no interracial marriage, no inter-tribal mating – no corruption of morals “what happens when you bring one person into the fold who doesn’t respect the integrity of the … Read more

Why words matter — they set intention — Origin of Language & Symbol as Pure Vortex Implosion Geometry Embedded & Entangled w/ Dan Winter   The idea that words matter because they set intention and that language and symbols are embedded with pure vortex implosion geometry is a concept that has been explored by various thinkers, including Dan Winter, a researcher in the fields of physics, psychology, and consciousness. According to this perspective, language and symbols are not … Read more

TOP 10 SONIC TORTURE SONGS FROM GITMO — Psychosonic Drugs – Psychosonic Attacks – Weaponizing Lady GaGa (or any artist / MP3)

You’ll learn how different mental states can be created using frequencies that interact with the brain, how the military is using this attack vector, how Vegas uses these same techniques on customers, which open source software creates these frequency generated psychic states and sites so you can continue your adventures in psychosonics. Multiple new attacks … Read more

Your Brain on Music

Your Brain on Music: A Story of Song Meets Science Daniel Levitin, Author, This Is Your Brain on Music In musical conversation with Alex de Grassi, Grammy Award-nominated Fingerstyle Guitarist Ever wonder what’s going on in your brain when you tune in to your favorite radio station or hum that song stuck in your head? … Read more