Sets / Series

Choice Interests   Baltimore Key Bridge — Anomalies Implicate Directed Energy Weapons Sourced evidence.  Deep.  Diabolical.  Shunned by controlled media, limited-hangouts, and calcified minds. An ongoing series exploring all aspects and evidence of the event. The correct explanation must fully account for and logically include 100% of all available evidence, data, facts.    

Having removed measures from direct human perception, They can now beguile by changing time, distance, weight — NIST and CERN and Fundamental Units and Measures — “There is a fight [over] time; they’re trying to change time” – Dr Astrid Stuckelberger

Cern beings thru portal

NIST and CERN and Fundamental Units and Measures

Weaponization of Sound – Mark Devlin


Weaponization of Sound

Hanoi Incident — What if you put your hand in a particle accelerator?

20240223 101003

Hanoi Incident — What if you put your hand in a particle accelerator?