OERA LINDA book — Instructional Manual on How to Keep Freedom — Solari Report: The Codex Oera Linda Book with Jan Ott

OERA LINDA book — Instructional Manual on How to Keep Freedom — Solari Report: The Codex Oera Linda Book with Jan Ott

Bushwhacking Tartaria Interview with Michelle Gibson on Star Forts Cathedrals Resonance Healing — Astonishing research info

Bushwhacking Tartaria Interview with Michelle Gibson on Star Forts Cathedrals Resonance Healing

Listen to the wrong kind of music in the wrong kind of light … Get cancer

DALL·E 2024 07 02 15.36.51 A dark conspiracy themed comic book montage. The background features shadowy ominous imagery with a mix of dark tones. Highlight elements of bad lig

Listen to the wrong kind of music in the wrong kind of light

Vibration as Control Mechanism

Vibration as Control Mechanism – Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) is a controversial concept that refers to the purported ability to remotely monitor and manipulate the neural activity of individuals using advanced technology, typically without their consent or awareness

160000 watts of RUSH — How loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!

160000 watts of RUSH — how loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!