Alberta Solar Maximum VLF Radio Expedition – August 2000 by Stephen P. McGreevy

Alberta Solar Maximum VLF Radio Expedition August 2000 Solar-Maximum Natural VLF Radio Stereo-Recording Expedition to Alberta, Canada. Between 06 and 14 August 2000 during a period of high solar-activity, I set-up two delta-loop-antenna stereo cross-azimuth recording systems to capture the magnetosphere’s spectacular natural VLF radio reception in north-western Alberta near the Whitemud River to the … Read more

Robert Connolly’s PLANT BAND – Musical Plants – Healing Field — Plants connected to midi synths, playing tones in response to stimulation by crystal singing bowl, being watered, other plants, etc.


160000 watts of RUSH — How loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!

160000 watts of RUSH — how loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!