Ancient Secrets on Resonance

New Science and Ancient Technologies from a conference in 2000 Randy Masters discusses his research on pyramid chamber resonance as well as connections to healing and Tibetan bells, cosmic radiation and effects of sound.   Resonance, especially in the context of ancient civilizations, carries deep significance and has been a subject of intrigue for … Read more

Vibrational Sound Healing, Mark Romero

By eliminating the static and noise in our lives we can then effortlessly break free of the negative influences in our environment, and of the limiting thoughts, beliefs and perceptions that are holding us back from the life we truly desire.  5A Published on Jul 24, 2013 This exclusive interview with Mark Romero and co-hosted … Read more

David Sereda & Pyramid Technology

5151 is a vibrational address. David Sereda explains findings about Giza and quantum entanglement. Spooky action at a distance, encoded or entrained by vibrations (and not necessarily distance). ~15 minutes in, info about 51’51. 5.151 MHz, etc.   David Sereda is a researcher and author known for his exploration of various scientific and metaphysical … Read more

Big Bang, the Big Bluff – Prof Konstantin Meyl

The Big Bang is alleged to be the starting point of our universe. This theory, originally proposed by a Jesuit astronomer, is based on the Doppler Effect. All galaxies except our own, the Milk Way, are through our telescopes observed with a “redshift”, which made some physicists conclude that all other galaxies are moving away … Read more

Vortex based mathematics, linguistics, sound, numerology, intellect and spirituality

thoughts become words, but sometimes words become thoughts   Vortex-Based Mathematics (VBM) is a theoretical framework proposed by Marko Rodin that posits a fundamental role for numbers and mathematical relationships in the structure of the universe. According to Rodin, numbers and their geometric representations hold the key to understanding the underlying patterns and dynamics … Read more

How Arts Training Improves Attention and Cognition

Sustained training in music, dance or other arts strengthens the brain’s attention system, which in turn may improve cognition more generally. Evidence for such cognitive “transfer” is accumulating. Dr. Michael I. Posner: “Does education in the arts transfer to seemingly unrelated cognitive abilities? Researchers are finding evidence that it does. Michael Posner argues that when … Read more

Dr. Hans Jenny – Healing Nature of Sound – Cymatics

Part 1   Part 2   Dr. Hans Jenny was a Swiss scientist and pioneer in the field of cymatics, the study of visible sound and vibration. Through his research, Jenny explored the ways in which sound frequencies can generate geometric patterns and shapes in various mediums such as liquids, powders, and pastes. … Read more

Grant Morrison – Discussion of Magic – Omega Institute, 2005   Grant Morrison, the acclaimed comic book writer known for his work on titles such as “Batman,” “Superman,” and “The Invisibles,” has long been fascinated by the concept of magic and its potential applications in the modern world. In his discussion at the Omega Institute in 2005, Morrison likely explored a range of topics … Read more

The Mystery of Magenta

Published on Feb 13, 2013 Why doesn’t magenta appear in the rainbow? The answer lies not in physics but in biology. Science presenter Steve Mould demonstrates the strange phenomenon of colour mixing, in which not everything is as it seems.   Magenta is a unique color that has fascinated scientists, artists, and philosophers for … Read more

Music as a Language: Victor Wooten

In Music as a Language Wooten makes the case for learning music in the same way as we learned our first language, calling for a more natural, less academic approach. He makes the point that, as babies, we weren’t taught our first language … can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Music as a … Read more

Model of Great Pyramid as Water Pump, Built and working on first try. Works without Pyramid; part of the larger machine

Dale Pond discovered that John Keely understood the basic underlying concept of Nature’s energy production. Using the method of implosion, resonance and water as an integral component of the ‘moving parts’ within the device, DP showed that Keely used Nature’s ‘female’ side of energy to produce, change and amplify its form. Water under pressure is … Read more

Magic of Water – Dr Emoto

Uploaded on Aug 3, 2008 Welcome to the World of Water!  A world of which every living entity shares a part, and yet about which we know significantly little… Until the groundbreaking work of a pioneer Japanese researcher whose astonishing discovery about water, documented photographically, changed most of what we didn’t know and led to … Read more

Neil Sanders – Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own on Veritas     Neil Sanders is a British author, researcher, and lecturer known for his work on topics related to mind control, mass manipulation, and the influence of media and propaganda on public consciousness. In his book “Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own,” Sanders explores the pervasive influence of psychological operations (psyops), propaganda, and social … Read more

Make your brain smarter: it’s not what you think: Sandra Chapman, Ph.D.

Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD, founder and leader of the Center for BrainHealth at UT Dallas relates new scientific evidence that you literally can think your brain smarter and healthier. She debunks long-standing beliefs about what smart is and shares…     Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D., is a cognitive neuroscientist and founder of the Center … Read more

Ground Resistance Testing (real world experiment) with Electrical Code Expert Mike Holt

“Stray current” is a real danger.     Ground resistance testing is a crucial aspect of electrical safety and compliance with electrical codes. The process involves measuring the resistance of the grounding system to ensure that it meets the required standards for electrical safety. In a real-world experiment with electrical code expert Mike Holt, … Read more

Implosion, Cymatics, Zero Point energy – TruthJuice Gathering 2013 – John Byde     Implosion: In alternative science and fringe theories, “implosion” often refers to the idea of harnessing energy through implosive forces rather than explosive forces. Proponents of implosion theory suggest that certain devices or technologies can generate energy by creating a vacuum or inward movement of energy, leading to increased efficiency and power generation. … Read more

Secrets in Plain Sight – Sacred Geometry by Scott Onstott

Art, Architecture , nature & the Cosmos.. Secrets In Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and history.This journey takes a new look at familiar structures in the tangible world but … Read more

Alan Moore – Comics & The Occult – 2007 Interview     Alan Moore, the renowned comic book writer and occultist, has often intertwined his interest in the occult with his work in the comics industry. In various interviews over the years, Moore has discussed his fascination with magic, mysticism, and esoteric traditions, and how these themes have influenced his storytelling and creative process. … Read more

Library of Congress symposium — Music and the Brain

Music and the Brain: Depression and Creativity Symposium. Music and the Brain: From Mode to Emotion in Musical Communication. Music and the Brain: The World in Six Songs. Music and the Brain: The Music of Language and the Language of Music. Music and the Brain: Music, Criminal Behavior, and Crime Prevention. Music and the Brain: … Read more

Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain by Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker – Psychologist, Cognitive Scientist, and Linguist at Harvard University How did humans acquire language? In this lecture, best-selling author Steven Pinker introduces you to linguistics, the evolution of spoken language…   “Language as a Window into Human Nature” is a lecture series by Steven Pinker, a cognitive psychologist, linguist, and popular science … Read more

Why do they make the bass strings wound in the first place?

Increased mass. ————- Scott Wallace Bass strings are wound to make them heavier but still remain elastic. Plain metal (or nylon, or gut) strings don’t sound good in the bass. —————- Brian Coverstone There are three things that change the pitch of the string. The string thickness, the length, and the tightness. When you tune … Read more

Long-term music training tunes how the brain temporally binds signals from multiple senses

Practicing a musical instrument is a rich multisensory experience involving the integration of visual, auditory, and tactile inputs with motor responses. This combined psychophysics-fMRI study used the musician’s brain to investigate how sensory-motor experience molds temporal binding of auditory and visual signals. Behaviorally, musicians exhibited a narrower temporal integration window than nonmusicians for music but … Read more

nanoVoice Voice Profiling – freeware

Voice telltales disease.   NanoVoice is a micro-version of our professional nVoice Personality Profiler which uses frequency-based biomarkers within the frequencies of your voice to allow you an enlightening peek into your Secret Self. NanoVoice can help you understand and solve issues using unconscious levels of awareness. This innovative technology is the forefront of future … Read more

Richard Gill – The Value of Music Education

Music educator Richard Gill argues the case for igniting the imagination through music and for making our own music. In this talk, he leads the TEDxSydney audience through some surprising illustrations of the relationship between music …   Richard Gill was an esteemed Australian conductor, music educator, and advocate for music education. Throughout his … Read more

Dr. Semir Osmanagich – Pyramids Around The World (hundreds of thousands!)

Over 100,000 suspected pyramids just in Mexican jungles alone.  … prevalent as power substations…..   Dr. Semir Osmanagich, also known as “the Bosnian Indiana Jones,” is a Bosnian-American author, researcher, and businessman who gained international attention for his controversial claims regarding ancient pyramids. He is primarily known for his work in … Read more