Language, Words & “Fake News” not new, been used for hundreds of years to justify censorship – Truthstream Media


Language, Words & “Fake News” not new, been used for hundreds of years to justify censorship.

BrainMap — Mind Control MKULTRA — “Touchless Torture, Target Humanity” — James W Lee docu


Mind Control MKULTRA — “Touchless Torture, Target Humanity” — James W Lee docu

Mark Devlin: “Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections” May 2023


Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections

Weaponization of Sound – Mark Devlin


Weaponization of Sound

Roots of Antinomian Music, Unspun 132, Jan Irvin, Dr Hans Utter – Sex, Self, Cybernetics — MKULTRA Intel community BRAIN database, compiled over years, extensive, deep

antinomian music

Roots of Antinomian Music

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization, Energy, Manifestation and the Holographic Universe

cia brain

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization – Hemi-Sync, short for Hemispheric Synchronization, is a patented audio technology developed by The Monroe Institute, a research organization focused on consciousness exploration and human potential. Hemi-Sync uses a form of binaural beats, which involve playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear to create the perception of a third frequency, known as the binaural beat, in the brain.