That Yummy Film-Look — Why don’t movies look like this anymore?
That Yummy Film-Look – Why don’t movies look like this anymore?
goodness comes to those who vibrate
That Yummy Film-Look – Why don’t movies look like this anymore?
Does phase and transient response in fact matter to fidelity?
How the Collapse of CD Sales Crashed the Music Industry
How to Reduce Noise in PCB Design Video Contents, by time-offset 0:00 Intro 0:43 What is Noise in a PCB? 1:17 PCB Noise Reduction Strategies Overview 3:22 Filtering 7:48 Shielding 11:41 Advanced Noise Reduction Options 16:45 Isolation and Splitting Ground Planes PCB Design: Electronic Noise Filtering Electronic noise filtering in PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design … Read more
The Quantum Mechanics Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don’t Want You to Know – Dr Ron Garret
The Music Industry and Social Engineering
Randy Meisner of the Eagles dead four days after Don Henley 76th birthday