A Music Historian Reflects


Richard Taruskin reflects on the historiography of music and its embrace of a Whiggish paradigm that he argues has had a deleterious effect on the value and practice of music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uxIZgVHjdk   Richard Taruskin (1945-2022) was a profoundly influential musicologist and critic known for his extensive work on the historiography of music, among many other … Read more

In blind test, soloists like new violins over old


“…the fundamental premise of tonal superiority has not yet been properly investigated.” http://www.pnas.org/search?fulltext=violi  n&submit=yes&x=0&y=0 http://www.pnas.org/content/109/3/760.a  bstract ABSTRACT Most violinists believe that instruments by Stradivari and Guarneri “del Gesu” are tonally superior to other violins–and to new violins in particular. Many mechanical and acoustical factors have been proposed to account for this superiority; however, the fundamental premise of … Read more

The Supernatural Power of Music – Eric P. Dollard


http://youtube.com/watch?v=W_DiYxrJMzA     Eric P. Dollard is a controversial figure known for his unconventional theories in the fields of electrical engineering and physics. He has made various claims about the nature of electricity, electromagnetic phenomena, and the properties of music. However, it’s important to note that Dollard’s ideas are not widely accepted by mainstream scientists … Read more

Superior time perception for lower musical pitch explains why bass-ranged instruments lay down musical rhythms


Michael J. Hove, Céline Marie, Ian C. Bruce, and Laurel J. Trainor PNAS 2014 ; published ahead of print June 30, 2014, http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/06/25/1402039111.full.pdf+html   The statement you provided suggests that there may be a relationship between the perception of time and musical pitch, particularly in the context of rhythm perception and bass-ranged instruments. Here’s an … Read more

Pitch perception beyond the traditional existence region of pitch

“…the perception of musical pitch at high frequencies is not constrained by temporal phase locking in the auditory nerve but may instead stem from higher-level constraints shaped by prior exposure to harmonic sounds.” Humans’ ability to recognize musical melodies is generally limited to pure-tone frequencies below 4 or 5 kHz. This limit coincides with the … Read more

Sensible, Clear Truth About Pyramids 2014 — Stephen Mehler

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsrTvvwi0UE   Stephen Mehler is an author and researcher known for his work on ancient Egyptian spirituality and esoteric traditions. In his book “The Land of Osiris: An Introduction to Khemitology,” Mehler presents his perspective on the ancient Egyptian civilization and its monuments, including the pyramids. Mehler’s approach to the pyramids differs from more mainstream … Read more

Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and their Functions – Manly P Hall

Manly P. Hall was a prolific author, lecturer, and philosopher known for his extensive writings on a wide range of esoteric and metaphysical topics. While he explored various aspects of spirituality, symbolism, and ancient wisdom traditions, there is no direct evidence to suggest that he specifically delved into the topic of the magnetic fields of … Read more

The 49 Octaves of Sound and Light – aetherforce

Light & Color Healing presented by Thomas Joseph Brown – intro to Royal Raymond Rife and Dinshah Ghadiali work, and understand even more how biogeometry works.   https://keychests.com/item.php?v=creglicegyxvzlhwixnziypz The concept of the “49 Octaves of Sound and Light” is a metaphysical theory that explores the relationship between sound, light, and consciousness. It is often associated … Read more

Richard D Hall & Neil Sanders – Mind Control Overview

Richard D. Hall and Neil Sanders have collaborated on various projects related to conspiracy theories, mind control, and other fringe topics. While I don’t have specific information on a joint project titled “Mind Control Overview,” both individuals have separately explored the topic of mind control in their work. Richard D. Hall is a British filmmaker … Read more

Manly P. Hall: The Tarot and the Origins of Modern Playing Cards

Manly P. Hall, a Canadian-born author and mystic, is known for his extensive writings and lectures on a wide range of esoteric and philosophical topics. In his work, Hall delved into various aspects of Western esotericism, symbolism, and ancient wisdom traditions, including the Tarot. One of Hall’s lectures, titled “The Tarot and the Origins of … Read more

Electron Movement through Solids – Energy Bands and Semiconductors

Possibly Howard Dumble was correct.   Materials vary greatly in their ability to conduct electron flow. A digitalization may take place that has bearing on sound quality and overall performance, fidelity and response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYYWZhsgVPc   Electron movement through solids is a fundamental concept in condensed matter physics and semiconductor technology. In a solid material, such … Read more

Visoko, Enigma of the Bosnian Pyramids, Huger and Deeper than Giza

This is probably the most important geological discovery and work in this lifetime. It is accessible, unlike Egypt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5PlEJ0B5O4 Several pyramids in the Bosnian complex are arranged in specific geometric pattern.     Visoko, often referred to as the “Enigma of the Bosnian Pyramids,” is a town located in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It gained international … Read more

What Music Do Animals Like?

What Music Do Animals Like? Research published today by the American Psychological Association has shown that chimpanzees prefer listening to West African akan and North Indian raga over listening to silence. What does this say about the evolutionary purpose of music? Previous work by McDermott and Hauser showed that when tamarins and marmosets were given … Read more

Lloyd Pye, Brien Foerster & Jerry Wills – 2 hours, Red Ice

Lloyd Pye is a researcher, author and lecturer. His subject areas include Intervention Theory, Hominoids, human origins and the Starchild Skull. Brien Foerster is a professional sculptor and author known for his research on the megalithic sites of South America. He is also the assistant director of the Paracas History Museum in Paracas, south of … Read more

Sensible, Clear Truth About Pyramids — Christopher Dunn, Giza Power Plant

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1Zg_UFKptM   Christopher Dunn is an engineer and author known for his unconventional theories about the construction and purpose of the Egyptian pyramids, particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza. In his book “The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt,” Dunn proposes the idea that the Great Pyramid was not merely a tomb for a … Read more

Soloist evaluations of six Old Italian and six new violins

Claudia Fritz, Joseph Curtin, Jacques Poitevineau, Hugues Borsarello, Indiana Wollman, Fan-Chia Tao, and Thierry Ghasarossian PNAS 2014 111 (20) 7224-7229; published ahead of print April 7, 2014, http://www.pnas.org/content/111/20/7224.full.pdf+html “Soloist evaluations of six Old Italian and six new violins” conducted by Claudia Fritz, Joseph Curtin, Jacques Poitevineau, and Fan-Chia Tao. This research was published in the … Read more

The Brain, a Secret History, Mind Control

http://vimeo.com/18608588 “The Brain, a Secret History” is a book written by British journalist and author Ian Sample. The book explores the history of neuroscience, psychology, and the study of the human brain, focusing on key discoveries, breakthroughs, and controversies throughout history. While “The Brain, a Secret History” covers a wide range of topics related to … Read more

Mind Control, Ultimate Brave New World

part 1 https://www.nexusmagazine.com/products/  free-downloads/doc_download/76-mind-contr  ol-the-ultimate-brave-new-world-part-1-of  -2 By Dr Nick Begich. Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benefits, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been exploiting for decades. part 2 https://www.nexusmagazine.com/products/  free-downloads/doc_download/77-mind-contr  ol-the-ultimate-brave-new-world-part-2-of  -2 By Dr Nick Begich. New technologies to control the mind, change behaviour and even transfer thoughts for … Read more

Esoteric Discussions with Neil Sanders the Manipulation of Hip Hop

Author and lecturer Neil Sanders joins me live on the show as we discuss the deliberate erosion of Hip and Hop and Rap through techniques of mind control and media manipulation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYFLKuJ2vng   Neil Sanders is known for his exploration of various forms of mass manipulation, including the influence of media and entertainment industries on … Read more

Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery — Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own; Marketing, Movies and Music – Neil Sanders

During the interview, Neil talks about the corrosive and hypnotic effects of TV and how our identities and perceptions of life have been moulded by the advertising industry. He also discusses Hollywood movie propaganda, the victimisation of famous entertainers who’ve spoken out against The Establishment, MK’ed celebs, manufactured Pop acts, music as a form of … Read more

Building the perfect guitar: Paul Reed Smith

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Paul Reed Smith — guitar-maker, musician, songwriter and the Founder and Managing General Partner of Paul Reed Smith Guitars, was born in Bethesda, Maryland. He made his first playable guitar for extra credit at St. Mary’s College. In 1985, he… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNzJjlV1TOA   Paul Reed Smith (PRS) is a renowned guitar maker known for crafting high-quality … Read more

Tubes vs Transistors – Perception of Loudness, Clarity, Distortion, Sound Quality

In general, with other variables held steady, as the power rating goes up dramatically (10x), the perception of loudness only doubles. 3,000 Watts sounds only “four-times louder” than 30 Watts. It seems unlikely, but measurements and anecdotal evidence have consistently shown it is generally true. People often ask, how does the Milbert BaM-235ab compare, in … Read more

Harmony: Chords and How to Build Them

How harmony works in western music. Traids formed out of scales, common harmonic progressions, nature of modulation. Listening skills for determining regular or irregular change rates. Wide variety of examples. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxf8mHkxgoA   Harmony in music refers to the combination of different musical elements, such as chords, melodies, and rhythms, to create a pleasing and coherent … Read more

The Sounds of the Universe – Professor Carolin Crawford

In space no-one can hear you scream… but it is still a noisy Universe. We are familiar with the many stunning images of space, but these are only part of the whole human experience. This lecture takes a new approach to appreciating the Universe, through the vehicle of sound. Once we understand how sound is … Read more

BioAcoustics – What the Voice Tells


State of Health revealed by voice. Sound making and sound discerning account for 30% of brain volume. It is that important. Body posture helps set presence, state of mind and being. No doubt the voice does as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haETzdgRcn4&index=43   Bioacoustics is a branch of science that deals with the study of sound production, transmission, … Read more