Mark Devlin: “Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections” May 2023


Music’s Mind-Control and Military Connections

Weaponization of Sound – Mark Devlin


Weaponization of Sound

Rijke Pressure, Taos Hum, Subsonica – The Controversial Sounds Only 2% Of People Hear


Rijke Pressure, Taos Hum, Subsonica – The Controversial Sounds Only 2% Of People Hear

TOP 10 SONIC TORTURE SONGS FROM GITMO — Psychosonic Drugs – Psychosonic Attacks – Weaponizing Lady GaGa (or any artist / MP3)


The Mind Control Manipulations of the Illuminati Music Industry – Mark Devlin – New Horizons 2014

Mind Control Manipulations of the Illuminati Music Industry

Alan Watt on The Music Industry

Alan Watt on The Music Industry

Music Mind Control Psychobiology pt 5 – Dr Hans Utter Interview – #236 Gnostic Media

Music Mind Control Psychobiology pt 5

Movie FREQUENCIES 2013 – PredProg SingSongSounds LyricalControlWords AncientAuralTech

FREQUENCIES 2013 movie – SingSongSounds LyricalControlWords AncientAuralTech – determinism, fate, and the power of frequencies in shaping human behavior and relationships

Mind Control, Ultimate Brave New World

part 1  free-downloads/doc_download/76-mind-contr  ol-the-ultimate-brave-new-world-part-1-of  -2 By Dr Nick Begich. Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benefits, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been exploiting for decades. part 2  free-downloads/doc_download/77-mind-contr  ol-the-ultimate-brave-new-world-part-2-of  -2 By Dr Nick Begich. New technologies to control the mind, change behaviour and even transfer thoughts for … Read more

Richard D Hall & Neil Sanders – Mind Control Overview

Richard D. Hall and Neil Sanders have collaborated on various projects related to conspiracy theories, mind control, and other fringe topics. While I don’t have specific information on a joint project titled “Mind Control Overview,” both individuals have separately explored the topic of mind control in their work. Richard D. Hall is a British filmmaker … Read more

Neil Sanders – Your Mind is Not Your Own – Mind Control, Tavistock and The Beatles

Neil addresses the subject of mind control and has been studying the history of this dark art and its application by military and government intelligence agencies across the globe for many years. He holds an MA in Film Studies, studied Psychology and Media Production for his BA Honors and is a qualified hypnotherapist. Neil has … Read more

Neil Sanders – Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own on Veritas     Neil Sanders is a British author, researcher, and lecturer known for his work on topics related to mind control, mass manipulation, and the influence of media and propaganda on public consciousness. In his book “Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own,” Sanders explores the pervasive influence of psychological operations (psyops), propaganda, and social … Read more

Esoteric Discussions with Neil Sanders the Manipulation of Hip Hop

Author and lecturer Neil Sanders joins me live on the show as we discuss the deliberate erosion of Hip and Hop and Rap through techniques of mind control and media manipulation.   Neil Sanders is known for his exploration of various forms of mass manipulation, including the influence of media and entertainment industries on … Read more

Jemma King – Monarch Programming, Mind Control & Pop Music   Jemma King is an author and lecturer known for her research into conspiracy theories, mind control, and related topics. In her work, she has explored the concept of Monarch programming, which is a conspiracy theory alleging the existence of a covert mind control program conducted by various government agencies or clandestine organizations. The … Read more

Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery — Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own; Marketing, Movies and Music – Neil Sanders

During the interview, Neil talks about the corrosive and hypnotic effects of TV and how our identities and perceptions of life have been moulded by the advertising industry. He also discusses Hollywood movie propaganda, the victimisation of famous entertainers who’ve spoken out against The Establishment, MK’ed celebs, manufactured Pop acts, music as a form of … Read more

Control of Popular Music – Neil Sanders – Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own

Published on Jun 1, 2013   Neil Sanders is a British author and lecturer known for his research and commentary on topics related to mind control, propaganda, and mass media manipulation. In his book “Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own” and other works, Sanders explores the ways in which various institutions, … Read more