Probably why mourning is natural …and vital 2023 — ASTRAL TRAVEL, REMOTE VIEWING & OBE: Physics of INNER SUPERPOWERS with Dan Winter at Portal to Ascension


Physics of INNER SUPERPOWERS with Dan Winter

Prince, Purple Rain, American Gods, cultural engineering, aether, worship, demonica — FAKE MUSIC INDUSTRY — “Soul removed, spirit removed” — musical control as cultural creation, degradation — Mike Williams on Crrow777 Radio – The Music Industry and Social Engineering


The Music Industry and Social Engineering

The Mathematical Problem with Music and How to Solve It — “Performance is an art of compromise” – Temperament, timbre, intonation, tuning, voice, tone

Equal Temperament ratios 20231015 101236

The Mathematical Problem with Music and How to Solve It

Beatles Conspiracy – Sage of Quay – Real News Australia


Beatles Conspiracy – Sage of Quay – Real News Australia

Ancient Wisdom Revealed By Miami Burial Mound


Ancient Wisdom Revealed By Miami Burial Mound

The Eye of Paul McCartney, Pan and Frankenstein – stunning myriad of Occult connections

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The Eye of Paul McCartney, Pan and Frankenstein – stunning myriad of Occult connections

Major Key to Our Reality – Beatles Psyop Summary


Major Key to Our Reality – Beatles Psyop Summary

Esoteric Nature of Music (1977 VHS)

Musical Mood Wheel

Esoteric Nature of Music

Sound Light Frequency Healing – Eileen McKusick Autodidactic

Integrative Healing

Sound Light Frequency Healing

Excellent – INVERSION is truth of Dark Forces — Vegetable Disclosure. Is This The Biggest Conspiracy? – Tartaria Australia


Vegetable Disclosure

Physics of Magic and Sacred Alphabets – Ophanim, Pentacles & Sacred Space — Dan Winter & Teresa Burns

Physics of Magic and Sacred Alphabets